Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Nana and Papa go to RMNP

On Sunday, we decided to take the trip to Rocky Mtn. National Park because the weather was forecasted to be decent and it was the only day Charlton could go with us. My mom had a cough, but we thought it was just a lingering cold. It was only later that we realized she actually had the flu and I felt terrible for putting her through the cold and hiking in the high altitude. She thought she was a wimp, but now we know what a tough woman she is for enduring those challenges with the flu. One day we will have to visit again when everyone is feeling 100%. The weather was also not as nice as we had hoped; cold, misty and snowing off and on. The fog even obscured most of the incredible mountain views. Even so, RMNP is one of my favorite places and I love being able to experience it in every season in all types of weather. My dad is an avid photographer and got some wonderful shots along our trail to Alberta Falls. These are a few of my favorites out of the dozens of great shots.

Nana and Papa getting ready to hike.

Thanks to Dad for this awesome family photo.

Rylan and "his" hiking poles.

It was cold enough that Caroline didn't mind wearing her new fleece hat. She really liked riding in the baby carrier.

It took some fancy footwork to cross the stream without getting our feet wet.

My hiking buddy. I brought up the rear to help keep Ry moving along.

Our entire family hiking.

Three generations of "Monroe" women.

We finally made it to Alberta Falls. Dad got some great family photos. You may see something like this on a card in a few months....

The chipmunks at Alberta Falls were so aggressive. One jumped onto Rylan's arm and tried to eat his oatmeal cookie out of his hand. Another one climbed into my unzipped backpack. Rylan wasn't too perturbed by them, but Nana stood by with her walking stick to shoo them away.

This bull elk looks so majestic. Fall is their rut, or breeding season.

The bull elk following a cow.

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