Monday, May 3, 2010

Spring day at the farm park and blue park

Yesterday, it snowed. Today I put sunscreen on the kids and we enjoyed some warmth and sunshine at the park. It was one of those rare spring Colorado days with no wind, so it was especially nice to be outdoors. I had my camera with me, so was able to take some cute shots of those kids. There is a newer neighborhood north of us that has both a Charlotte's Web themed park and an Alice in Wonderland park. Rylan just calls them the "farm park" and the "blue park" and they are some of our favorites.

Rylan was riding fast down the stretch, but politely pulled-up for a winner's circle photo for me. All that horse racing lingo is related to the fact that Rylan picked the Kentucky Derby winning horse this Saturday. Way to go, Super Saver and jockey Calvin Borel.

Rylan plans his next move on the web of ropes. One of my "good mom" goals is making him wear a hat outside this summer, which is going to be difficult, because Rylan hates wearing hats. Caroline doesn't like them either, so I have my work cut out for me to protect their fair heads this summer.

Wouldn't you love to take a seat next to this sweet girl? I love the contrast of the red bench against the blue sky with the mountains in the background.

Here comes Caroline trying to do what the big kids do. She is so fearless. I had to stop her at this point, but I got my picture first!

We have an old family picture of my sister Bethany singing to our horse High Hopes when she was probably about 2 years old. Her lips were pursed almost the same way and I was amazed at the resemblance! Caroline kept saying "moo-moo" to Wilbur. I think she was a little confused, but she really liked him.
Here Caroline checks out the little odd-shaped door at the Alice in Wonderland park.

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